Dementia alarm: 20% of all women affected – Why we have to act now!

Dementia is affecting more and more people and is now the most common cause of death among women in Germany. But many people don't know that even small measures such as proper nutrition and an active lifestyle can make a big difference. Omega-3 fatty acids in particular play a central role in prevention - but only if the quality is right. What role do nutrients really play, and what can you do to reduce your risk? In this article you will learn everything about prevention, the latest studies and practical tips for growing old healthily and actively.

A creeping killer: dementia in Germany

It looks similar in other countries too.

Demenz ist mit aktuell 20 Prozent die häufigste Todesursache bei Frauen über 65 Jahre in Deutschland.
20 Prozent – also jede 5. Frau!

Die Zahl der Krankenhausbehandlungen mit Alzheimer-Diagnose ist in den letzten 20 Jahren um 82 % gestiegen, und die Todesfälle haben sich um 94 % erhöht*.

*Quelle: Destatis

Visualisierung Demenz_Frauen_Deutschland

It's not about stoking fear, but rather about creating awareness that prevention is the best option for healthy aging.
It affects us all!
2050 is not far away, just 25 years away, and many of us will then be at risk ourselves.

Balkendiagramm über Demenz, Prognose bis 2050

Stress as a risk-factor

Not only unhealthy diet and lack of exercise promote dementia, but also chronic stress. This acts like a creeping poison on our brain.

Constant tension not only damages the nerve connections, but also impairs blood circulation - and not just in the legs (which is what we often think of first when we hear the word "blood circulation"), but also in the brain!

Poor blood circulation means that our brain is less supplied with oxygen and nutrients. This accelerates the decay of nerve cells and promotes cognitive disorders.

Microplastics, environmental toxins and lifestyle

We breathe in pollutants, ingest microplastics and burden ourselves with poor nutrition. These factors can cause not only physical but also mental damage. Especially if the so-called blood-brain barrier is damaged . By the way, she is only fully trained when she is around 21 years old.

Scientific information:
There are almost 40,000 studies on Omega-3 in PubMed, which show how important this nutrient is for our health. If you search there, for example, using the keywords Omega 3 + “brain”, “dementia” or “Alzheimer’s”, you will find around 7,000 studies on this topic.

And that's not all: Anyone with high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol levels needs to be particularly careful. These diseases, or rather imbalances, damage the blood vessels - including in the brain.


Protective shield for the brain – preventive against dementia

A large, current study with over 267,000 participants from the UK Biobank has revealed that a higher omega-3 status in cells and a balanced omega-3 to omega-6 balance can reduces the risk of dementia by around 30% .
The fatty acid DHA is particularly important as it makes up 20% of the fatty acids in the brain and up to 30% in the gray matter.

The brain consists of around 60% fat, with the omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) playing a particularly important role.
DHA makes up about 20% (!!) of the total fatty acids in the brain.
It is a crucial component of the cell membranes of neurons and significantly influences the function and structure of nerve cells >.
The proportion of DHA is particularly high in the so-called “gray matter” of the brain, which is responsible for signal processing. Up to 30%!
Source: Biomed Central

DHA measurements show deficiencies

In my own measurements (I work with a test-based concept) I repeatedly find that 80% of my clients have DHA levels that are too low. Since, as described above, the brain consists of around 60% fat, of which around 20% is DHA, this is very alarming. This fatty acid is essential for the stability of cell membranes and communication between neurons.

Important to understand:
Our cells need at least 4 months to regenerate, so a short and /or irregular intake makes no sense!
Six months is strongly recommended for initial stabilization.

Quality counts

Unfortunately, there are many inferior omega-3 products on the market.

Cut open a capsule and smell it - the fish has often been dead for 4 years. It sounds funny at first, but that's how it is. The capsules are not cooled anywhere.
You wouldn't eat rancid fish, would you?

That's why it's important to pay attention to the highest quality.
I wholeheartedly recommend what is probably the best product currently available in Europe. It is bottled and fresh like a fish from the Barents Sea (Norway).

Feel free to contact me for advice!
If you're making a last-minute decision, click here for your Omega-3.
(Available in 32 European countries.)
The price you see first is one-off in the first month.
In the first month you will receive:
2 bottles and a test. Furthermore, the test that comes in the 5th month will be paid for in the first month. These tests are very important! By the way, normally they cost EUR 87 per test individually.
In the fixed 6-month concept you get the tests at a very special price.

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